Coffee Breath and How to Get Rid of It
As much as you love coffee, no one loves coffee breath. Why is nature so cruel and what can you do about it?
Why does coffee cause bad breath?
Coffee breath is caused by two factors: sulfur-containing aroma compounds that form when coffee beans are roasted and the astringency (or dry mouth) caused by tannins.
Roasted coffee beans contain over 1,000 chemical compounds and more than 100 of them combine to produce a bean’s particular aroma. The most dominant is 2-furfurylthiol (2FFT), which, even on its own, is described as smelling like roasted coffee. Combined with the acid in coffee, and other bacteria in your mouth, however, that delicious aroma gives way to one we know as coffee breath.
To make matters worse, the tannins in coffee dry out your moth, exacerbating the odor.
Tannins are another group of chemical compounds common in plants (and the beverages produced by them, including tea and wine, in addition to coffee). They bind with proteins. In your mouth, those proteins are found in saliva and their new bond with tannin compounds inhibits the production of saliva.
Less saliva means odor-causing bacteria are rinsed from your mouth less frequently, and your coffee breath lingers.
How to get rid of coffee breath
Quitting coffee is out of the question, so what else can be done?
- Brush: Brushing your teeth as soon as your coffee break is over helps remove coffee residue and prevent the bacteria buildup that causes to coffee breath.
- Zinc toothpaste: A small study indicated that zinc may be beneficial in neutralizing odor-causing compounds in your mouth.
- Clove oil toothpaste: Clove oil has antibacterial properties that can reduce bacteria and help your breath.
- Mouthwash: Another option for killing bacteria and giving your coffee breath a run for its money.
- Mint, cough drop, or gum: Any of these can help to temporarily mask the odor and stimulate saliva production. Sugarless options are always recommended by dentists, of course.
- Fresh, raw parsley: Parsley contains chlorophyll, so chewing on some fresh herb can neutralize odors and freshen breath naturally.
- Water: A large glass of water keeps you hydrated and maintains saliva production.
How to prevent coffee breath
You can’t prevent it entirely, but you can make it less offensive:
- Black coffee: That’s right, drink more coffee. The sugar contents of sweeteners and creams actually feed bacteria, so adding them to your coffee is making your coffee breath worse.
- Sugar-free sweeteners and flavors: If you’re not ready to go black, try natural sweeteners like vanilla, cinnamon, or orange.
- Whole milk: Skim milk contains more sugars than whole milk or heavier creamers. If you need a little dairy in your coffee, try a thicker option.