
Can You Drink Coffee After a Tooth Extraction?

Getting wisdom teeth removed or another tooth extracted suuuucks. You know what would make you feel better? A nice, hot cup of— smacks hand No! No coffee. Yet.

When can I drink coffee after a tooth extraction?

Most people can start drinking coffee about 5 days after a tooth extraction. If you experience any return of swelling or soreness, though, put it down and call your dentist.

When you do start drinking coffee:

  • Try starting with warm coffee, instead of scalding hot coffee.
  • Avoid cream and sugar, as they can irritate the extraction site.
  • Start with one cup per day and increase as you heal.
  • Avoid straws, because suction can dislodge the blood clot and delay healing.

What to eat and drink instead?

Nothing is going to wake you up or feel as comfy as a hot cup of coffee, but for five days, try something else. After a tooth extraction, you need stick to soft foods and cool or room-temperature beverages that won’t irritate the extraction site.

  • Soft foods like mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs … well … scrambled eggs with no coffee? Maybe applesauce instead.
  • Lukewarm beverages like cooled herbal tea and definitely lots of water.

Why can’t I drink coffee after a tooth extraction?

Drinking hot coffee too soon after a tooth extraction can interfere with healing. The heat will increase blood flow to the area, potentially causing the blood clot to dislodge. This means no healing, of course, but it can also lead to a painful condition called dry socket.

Additionally, caffeine can cause dehydration, which isn’t ideal for healing.

Disclaimer: Not a dentist. Do what your healthcare provider says.


Big fan of coffee. Also reading, writing, food in general, taco trucks, my family, and ... lots of things.