
Coffee with Cherry: Recipe Roundup

Coffee and cherry? Sign me up.

Do cherry and coffee go together?

Cherry and coffee flavors pair very well. The sweet tang of cherry softens and counters the sharp bite of coffee.

While cherries are sweet, they’re usually considered a richer, deeper note. That means that cherry adds complexity and depth to a gentle light roast. In a dark roast, cherry adds a sweetness that lifts the earthy profile without clashing (like other berries sometimes do).

How to make coffee with cherry

There is no shortage of coffee-with-cherry options. Here are a few faves:

by Tasting Table

Because “coffee with cherry” instantly includes chocolate, right? We all immediately thought, “black cherry,” right? Okay, good. This is exactly what you had in mind.

cherry mint coffee

by Mansee

Turns out chocolate isn’t actually required. I was skeptical about the mint, but it really works—probably because these are iced.

spiked cherry coffee

by The Food Network

Now we’re talking night caps, but what a night cap. FNM are beating heavy cream and sour cream to get a deliciously creamy base for cherry brandy. (I halve the brown sugar on this one.)

cherry blossom coffee

by Wabi Recipes

You might have to special order some ingredients for this one, so plan ahead for your next Lunar New Year brunch. But it’s probably worth it.

And, of course, you can always just get creative. Try adding some cherry liqueur or syrup to your favorite coffee at home.

There are also dozens of coffee roasters making cherry flavored coffee beans, too. If flavored coffees are your jam, try